Carpet Cleaning Menasha
Oshkosh Carpet Cleaner travels to the heart of the Fox Cities to service carpet cleaning in Mensaha.
We understand that maintaining the cleanliness of your carpeting investment is a tremendous challenge. We all have seen great results after vacuuming our carpets. We believe that there are numerous things that you can do to assure that you are doing everything you can at keeping your carpet in the best condition possible. To be honest, procuring the services of an Oshkosh Carpet Cleaning technician on an annual basis is a great start, but if you follow a very rigorous vacuuming schedule on your own, you will have success! We have all heard of the household names like Rug Doctor or Stanley Steamer, but lets face it most of maintaining fresh crisp carpet simply involves vacuuming. The vacuuming removed the dry soils for carpet. These soils tend to dull and scratch the fibers that comprise your carpeting. How should I vacuum? One pointer for you is make sure that you don't just do the visible areas that are dirty, like the high traffic areas. There is dirt, dust, and grime in all areas of your carpet, not just what you can see. When you or a family member does the vacuuming, make sure that you mix up the directions you vacuum. Use a variance in the way you cover the entire area. Take a look at the picture to the right on this page. This is a typical carpet shampooing pattern that we do. We are not married to the same pattern though every time. How often should I vacuum? My short answer is you should never vacuum, you should have one of your kids do it. If you don;t have kids or a neighbor, well, then I guess you need to do it. Do it at least once a week. I also recommend that you take your shoes off before walking on your carpet. How often should I hire Oshkosh Carpet Cleaning? To be honest I think that you should have us out at least annually. We have some customers who have us come out each spring and then again in the fall. It really depends on a lot of variables. We are happy to send out one of our professionals to evaluate your carpeting and provide a free estimate. Some folks even do half of there carpeting every 6 months. At a minimum though I would strongly encourage an annual professional clean job. Contact us today for a free estimate at 920-663-2186 |